Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New Bitch on the Blog

I got my period yesterday. Another false alarm. Another month of follicle monitoring, killer Clomid and Pregnyl shots. I've been undergoing treatment for about 9 months now. I'm done with the HSG (clear), but I have reservations about laparoscopy.

It really has taken its toll on me. The Clomid alone drives me up the wall! There are times when i spend the entire week crying. I get super irritated and emotional about the slightest comments about my condition. Sometimes I wonder how my husband can stand me.

Speaking of comments. Some people can just be so insensitive sometimes. Why do I always have to be nice and respectful? When what I really want to do is have a bitch fit and tell everybody to go f**k off. Oops, those are the hormones going wild! Seriously, people should know what to say to someone who is undergoing infertility treatments. Going through this is hard and it hits you on all levels. There are a million and one things going on in your body and in your mind. You try your best to stay centered. Then some insensitive comment hits you. Bam!!!! You feel like a house of cards crashing down down down. So what am I saying here? Just please be more sensitive. A simple "I'm always praying for you" is more than enough. Stop bombarding me with your questions, stop giving me "suggestions". Arghh! Just.stop.it.

Really, all that my body's going thru and the choices that I make are none of your business.

When I am left alone I am able to better manage the side effects of my meds. When I am left alone I am able to sit quietly and pray. I know its all about faith and that God will give our baby to us at the right time. So in the mean time, can the insensitives just learn to give me space? Really.

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